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I completed the first set of puzzles, and here are my thoughts... (spoiler warning)

Firstly, love the puzzles. Good amount of difficulty and a good variation of solutions for each room. It's clear a lot of effort and care have gone into the creation of this project, and it is an excellent project. I know that laser puzzles aren't the easiest to create, so this is particularly impressive.

Things I believe should be addressed/changed:

The cube for the reflection and weight blocks aren't great. They obscure your vision massively, which really cripples you when you are on a timer. A custom mesh would be most suitable.

The cubes feel really light for their size, and super bouncy. Again, when working on a timer, accidentally tapping or walking into a cube causes it to move, and this is really annoying in rooms where the cubes need to touch.

The rotation of the cubes is far too sensitive. This may be personal opinion, but I can't aim the cube very well.

Another point in rotation, it would be great if their rotation would stay relative to your rotation as you rotate yourself.

When I first entered the first puzzle room, the cubes were in the wrong place. Upon restarting when testing the menu, and re-entering the room, they were both in the corner which I assume to be the right place.

Is there meant to be some sort of mirror on the wooden panels? Why is the laser reflecting off of it. And the first room with multiple panels, one of them doesn't reflect on one side.

Save data doesn't work. Pressing escape then 'play game' starts the game again without your progress.

Menu buttons, the UE default buttons just don't look good in any project.

When the timer reaches a single digit in the seconds, you should make it add a '0' in front. Just looks better and fits the format as '09' than '9' when doing 'xx:xx'. Super simple function, if x(seconds or minutes variable) = < 10, convert to string/text, append, set UI timer text.

It was not clear that you had to press E to open the door, I only knew to press E to pick up the cube due to gamer knowledge. It would be great if there was an on-screen prompt. This could always be visible, or only pop up when hovering over an interactable. Same with the unlockable abilities, and rotation button. I had to press escape to check the controls, which reset my progress.

While it seems like there's a million factors I pointed out, please don't be discouraged! It is still an excellent game in it's current state, my points are merely things that would improve the quality of the game further!

Great job, Jack!

I just remembered it's for Grads in Games, but if you were to keep developing then I believe my points mentioned would be beneficial, even if you take them into account for later projects!

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha yeah, anything that was placeholder/default unreal engine is mostly down to me not having the time to create art assets for a project such as this. If I continue it I definitely will be.

Saving at the moment isn't automatic, you have to press a button for it to work, it does state this in the controls.

However, thank you for the feedback!

I must have missed that in the controls! I was focused on the gameplay and only opened the controls to find the rotate button! Good to know it does work though!


Also a side note, the room with the wall reflecting only on one side is a bug. I have literally 0 clue why it does this and have as yet not been able to fix it.